How to Increase Furnace Efficiency?

Keeping your furnace running is essential for both your comfort and your budget. Making sure you have the right size of furnace for your home and properly maintaining it will help you maximize energy efficiency, minimize energy consumption, and save money in the long run.

Let’s take a look at some tips on how to improve your furnace efficiency. 

Regular Maintenance 

The number one way to keep your furnace efficient is by scheduling regular maintenance appointments with a certified HVAC technician. A tune-up should be done at least once a year before cold weather sets in to ensure that all components are working properly and that there are no leaks or blockages in the system.

During this appointment, the technician will also check for any other issues that could cause problems. Regular maintenance can help extend the life of your furnace, as well as reduce repair costs if something goes go wrong. 

Clean Air Filters 

It’s also important to replace air filters regularly, as dirty air filters can impede airflow and increase energy consumption. Depending on where you live and what type of filter you use, you may need to replace it every few months. Changing the filter more often may be necessary if you have pets or allergies.

You can easily do this yourself without having to call an HVAC technician each time. Ensure you get the correct size for your furnace so it fits properly and doesn’t affect airflow.

Clean Ductwork

Dirty ductwork can also restrict airflow, leading to increased energy consumption. It’s a good idea to have your ducts cleaned every few years by an HVAC technician or even a professional duct cleaning service. It will ensure that they are free of dust and debris and that air flows freely through the system.

Programmable Thermostats 

Having a programmable thermostat installed in your home can help keep heating costs low by setting specific times when you want the temperature to change, such as when everyone is away at work/school during the day.

This way, you won’t have to adjust it each time manually. Instead, it will automatically adjust itself according to the times it was programmed into. It will also help ensure that your home is comfortable when people are inside but not wasting energy when nobody is around.

Balance Indoor Humidity Levels

 Proper humidity in your home can help keep you comfortable and reduce energy consumption. Depending on what type of climate you live in, a humidifier or dehumidifier can help regulate indoor air moisture levels and create an optimal environment.


Improving furnace efficiency should start with regular maintenance appointments with an HVAC technician, replacing air filters regularly and installing a programmable thermostat to better control temperatures throughout the day. Taking these steps now can save money on energy bills and prevent costly repairs down the road due to lack of upkeep and maintenance. So don’t wait. Contact an HVAC technician today!